Friday, August 31, 2012

 . . . and this is one of the brothers.

                                          Barnaba, he looks like a sweet guy!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I did a painting years ago for a dear friend. She has been watching a family of boys over the years.  I painted two of them, and now she wants drawings of the rest.  This is Dieudonne. . . 

 He is also an artist!  Thanks for following my blog Dieudonne! :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Must say that I love bears!  They have so much character. . . 

Last min my husband decides we need one last hora before our summer fun is over.  So we drove to a hotel with a water park for an overnight adventure.  I drew him in a half hour while we were driving.  I had to stop half way cause I was getting car sick.  I'm one of those people that can't read in the car. Ive been like that my whole life. . .it has been a huge inconvenience! :(

 But even half done my man looks handsome!!! :)

Here are some pictures from our trip. . . 

                                                    Aren't they so so so cute!


Monday, August 27, 2012

 Do you all remember Taylor, she has made a friend on her

 very hard journey to health.  This is the story I read on her 

facebook page this morning!

This little guy is Landon. He has stage four neuroblastoma. Landon was supposed to go in to get his stem cell transplant last week. When his parents went in for the consultation they were told that the surgeon didn
t get all Landons tumor like they were led to believe. Landon goes in on Thursday to have surgery again to see if they can get the remaining tumor out. Please pray for guidence for the surgeons hands, peace for Landons parents, and strength for Landons body! This surgery is highly risky!

Praying for you Landon . . . 

Sitting on the beach I have charcoal pencil, paper, but no picture. . . 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I know I have said this before, but I'm just going to say it again. . . an artists frame of mind when they draw is so important.  So if any of my students are reading this here is an example for you.  

The portrait today was pictures I took at the fair of a brother and sister.  I was not happy with what i got done in an hour yesterday, but today I was able to relax and get my head in the game! :)  I did the baby sister in and hour, and spent another half hour fixing my mistakes on her big brother yesterday!  I am so much happy with the results today. . . 

 Such cute kids!!!! They have the sweetest mom too. . . Thanks for letting my draw your babies!

Friday, August 24, 2012

This is all I could get done in an hour on this one. . . for some reason it was hard for me to get a likeness.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nice guy who was willing to be on my blog.  Thanks so much!

Hey everyone, so sorry!  I started a diet yesterday and I got a bad headache. . . caffeine withdrawal! :(  One thing about drawing, how you feel shows!  So I did two today to make up for it.  Both Fair pictures.  

This is Sky . . . 

  She is a beautiful dog and very friendly!  I laughed when I looked at the picture I took of her.  She has a hallow.  "Angel in the Sky. . . 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

When we were at the state fair Sunday I did get a few more portrait shots and two of them were dogs!  These are very talented dogs who were there for a show.  I can't quite remember this beautiful boys name . . . Mac - something.  Sorry buddy!

 I couldn't get him to look at me. . . all eyes for his master.  So I liked this picture of him adoring her! :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sweet little guy who loved getting his picture taken. . . 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

TOMORROW . . . All day date day with my handsome husband at the fair and Rascal Flats tickets at night. . . I know you are so jealous!  It will also be Kalvyn's first night away from both parents.  We'll see how that goes! It is at Grandma and Grandpa's so it should be fine right?  :)

Another Fair portrait!  Wish I knew her name, she was sweet and fun to draw . . . 

No I did not draw the same woman twice! :)  Sisters!


Friday, August 17, 2012

So I stayed up till 1am last night working on this picture.  It is an audition picture for a children's book.   It took about three hours so far. . . The kids took about an hour, so I'm going to call that my portrait for today!  I need to do some serious house cleaning this afternoon! :(

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy birthday Josiah!  Missing you so much today.  Can't believe you would have been 30 today.  Can't believe I will be 30 this next year. I know heaven is a much better place to turn 30 in, just wish we could go get some Chinese food. :)  Hope Becca has given you a big birthday hug from me!

                           Love you and your whole family!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This is the girl's aunt that I drew yesterday. . . 

 In a couple days I am going to draw her sister.  They were all at the fair together, and were sweet enough to take time out to help me.  Thanks ladies! :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Another sweet fair person . . . 

   I am going to have to start getting names.  It is really strange drawing someone for an hour and not know anything about them.  I know their faces so well.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Our STATE FAIR is a great STATE FAIR!  Went there today with my sisters!  :)  I did overcome my fear at went up to a few different people to see if I could take their picture to draw it.  Everyone was so nice.  Actual the mom of this first little girl was so very nice she gave me courage to approach a few more people.  So here is the first portrait of the state fair . . . 

 This sweetie didn't really want to get her picture taken, but she was a trooper! :)

Fun at the fair. . . 

                                          Cousin Dave being a farm boy! :)
                                              Favorite attraction at the Fair. . . we stayed for at least 4 demonstrations.

                                                     GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Just a quick portrait today from a photo no bigger than my thumb.  I didn't feel like printing one tonight. I'm a bit tired after Kalvyn's birthday party. He had so much fun, and I will have more on that later with pictures. Brian and I have been watching Downton Abbey all week.  Got the second season from the library and have to give it back in a couple days.  We are trying to get it all watched! :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Didn't have a portrait to do today so I went snooping around on facebook.  A dear friend of mine is my "family picture" hero.  She is faithfully gets wonderful pictures taken. . . and posting them on facebook.  This is something I need to work on!

One of her little men Logan...

So here I go trying to do better.  Kalvyn's 3rd birthday . . . 

                                               My favorite shot! :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

I forgot to take a picture of the finished portrait today before I dropped it off.  So my friend is going to send it in the morning and I'll post it then! :)  

OK, for those of you who want an update on my life. . . 

My mom said I need to start writing more about life so I have it down to look back on, and of-course she is right! :)

Life has been busy but good!  Kalvyn is getting very water confident. . . I'm hoping we will be able to keep it up through the winter so he just keeps improving.

Some vacation photos
                           Spent hours here!  He even got one of the life-guards to let him go down a slide he         was too short for. . . that one was his favorite :)
                                                 He wanted this soooooooooooo bad!!!!
                                     Bed time with piece of baby!

                                                I think he thought he was too big for this ride!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

So glad for a dear friend of mine.  Her mother is done with chemo today!  :)  I am doing a portrait of both her mom and dad. . . 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday to my beautiful boy.  You are no longer a baby. . . growing up so fast.  You teach me so much every day Kalvyn.  I'm so blessed to have your precious self in my life.  You are a treasure, and daddy and I love you to pieces.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I wanted to do this deer a few days ago but couldn't figure out how to print it.  Always wanted a pet deer!